Why is e-procurement a mandatory step for your company?

mise en place d'un SI Achat
mise en place d'un SI Achat

Why is procurement digitalization a mandatory step for your company?

Digitalization is transforming many industries, including procurement. For companies, the digitalization of purchasing has become a necessity in order to improve their performance, ensure their sustainability and foster innovation. The Covid crisis and the resulting organizational changes have forced companies to adapt and accelerate this shift to digital. If you want to stay competitive, digital procurement is no longer an option, but an obligation.


Digitalization of purchasing increases performance

Digitalization allows for the standardization of purchasing processes, the automation of tasks and the centralization of data. This standardization facilitates collaboration between the different actors in the purchasing process (buyers, operational staff, accounting and suppliers), allowing for more efficient and faster management of requests. With task automation, you save time by avoiding repetitive and time-consuming tasks. But that’s not all!

Thanks to the traceability offered by a Purchasing IS, you can delegate tasks to your teams while maintaining control and ensuring compliance with purchasing policy. This means greater autonomy for your teams and the integration of purchasing into business processes to increase operational efficiency. With data centralization, you have better traceability of purchasing operations, which facilitates analysis and decision-making. Avoiding unnecessary expenses and optimizing purchasing allows you to maintain your business in the long term!


Digitization: an essential driver for sustaining your purchases?

The health crisis has highlighted the importance of digitalization for the sustainability of purchasing. Companies that have not yet started their digital transformation have been strongly penalized by the crisis, while those who were already engaged in this process have resisted better. Indeed, digitalization allows you to be more resilient in case of disruptions in the economic environment or supply chains. Even as remote working is gradually becoming part of the way companies are organized, learning and using e-procurement tools is essential.


Guide with K-NOW from Knowmore

Our K-NOW solution, a digital adaptation platform, guides your teams in the adoption of your HRIS solution. Tutorials, training… everything is there for an easy and fluid learning curve and updates, in onboarding mode, feedback, intelligent guidance, etc.

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