Digital Adoption Platform: The Best Friend of IT Support

Two users searchig for big data in the cloud. Computing storage technology, large database, data analysis, digital information concept, violet palette. Vector isolated illustration.

Even today, the digital adoption of enterprise applications by employees remains a significant challenge for many organizations. However, increasing the usage rate of digital tools is crucial to optimize technological investments. How, then, can IT services effectively support end-users? The answer lies in deploying a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP), a true ally for technical support. Let’s delve deeper into how this technology concretely improves the daily work of IT teams while facilitating employees’ mastery of software.

Key Features of a Digital Adoption Platform

A Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) encompasses several functionalities designed to facilitate the adoption of digital tools within a company. Let’s explore the most useful components that assist IT support.

Interactive Guides and Tutorials Within Applications

Firstly, a DAP allows for the creation of user guides and tutorials that are directly accessible within software interfaces. Specifically, pop-up windows appear to explain procedures step-by-step, whether in the form of text, screenshots, animated GIFs, or videos.

For technical support, these integrated training aids reduce level 1 inquiries. Employees gain autonomy in performing their daily tasks thanks to contextual assistance.

Contextual Tooltips

Tooltips display definitions or instructions when hovering over a designated element. Applied to application interfaces, they clarify the function of certain buttons, icons, or areas, reducing user queries.

The DAP also integrates other equally useful digital aids:

  • Input Assistance (autocomplete, input hints): Eases the completion of complex fields.
  • Feedbacks: Provides positive validation or signals errors.
  • Notifications: Delivers real-time updates and news on new features.
  • Stickers: Visually highlights major innovations within screens.
  • Links: Inserts direct hyperlinks to user documentation.

This allows for the resolution of doubts in real-time, directly in the workflow, without the need to contact technical support or consult extensive documentation.

Customized User Journeys

The digital adoption platform also includes a scripting engine that allows for the creation of interactive paths tailored to each user profile. In practice, this involves sequencing training steps that specifically address the needs of employees.

For example, a salesperson might be offered a tutorial on creating quotes or tracking their objectives in the ERP. An accountant could access a pathway explaining the procedures for accounting reconciliation or bank matching in the financial application.

Administrators have several customization options:

  • Filter content based on the professions, services, and applications employees have access to.
  • Differentiate complexity levels according to each individual’s skills.
  • Display pathways following interface updates or functional developments.
  • Mandate certain tutorials before using sensitive modules.

By offering only relevant content, users more effectively master the functionalities essential to their roles, gaining autonomy more quickly on critical tasks.

Analytics to Identify Bottlenecks

Digital adoption platforms are also equipped with tracking features that enable detailed analysis of user behavior. Thus, all support content is instrumented to collect usage data:

  • Tutorial consultation rates;
  • Time spent on each step;
  • Clicks on various interactive elements;
  • Sequences of actions before abandonment;
  • Frequently asked questions

With these indicators, support teams have precise information on the difficulties encountered within applications. They can thus identify points of friction or misunderstandings.

Moreover, it’s important to note that the aim is not to monitor employees’ work but to understand where blockages occur.


The Benefits of a DAP for IT Support

Beyond its inherent features, a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) offers numerous advantages to technical support teams within organizations. Let’s review the concrete benefits that facilitate their daily work.

Accelerated Training on Business Applications

Thanks to integrated guides, tutorials, tooltips, and personalized pathways, users can quickly master business software. They learn in a few hours procedures that would have taken weeks of self-taught practice.

For support, this shortening of the initial training period significantly reduces the volume of calls. Gone are the countless inquiries from new arrivals or following each interface update.

Reduction in Support Tickets

Due to the facilitation of self-help, DAPs naturally lead to a decrease in service desk inquiries. This means fewer redundant questions due to misunderstanding or temporary difficulties in performing an operation.

Focus on More Complex Requests

With the reduction of level 1 tickets handled, support technicians can spend more time on level 2 and 3 inquiries. In other words, they focus on more value-added requests that require their deep expertise in software solutions, such as:

  • Optimizing configurations based on business needs;
  • Analyzing the root cause of potential bugs;
  • Identifying potential security vulnerabilities;
  • Suggesting functional evolutions based on field feedback.

Thus, DAPs enable them to enhance their skills on the most complex aspects of applications while ensuring optimized user support.

Improved Team Productivity

By reducing the number of simple and recurring inquiries, the DAP contributes to increasing the efficiency of employees. They spend less time stuck in their workflows due to questions about the operation of an interface.

Enhanced User Experience

By facilitating the learning of digital tools, digital adoption platforms naturally improve the employee experience. More comfortable employees with the applications are also more engaged and motivated.

Moreover, this enhancement of the user experience leads to a virtuous circle: satisfied employees who appreciate the software are more likely to share their positive experiences internally. This buzz contributes to increasing adoption rates within teams, further reducing the workload of the helpdesk in return.

The Strategic Imperative of Deploying a Digital Adoption Platform for IT Departments

The implementation of a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) emerges as a strategic imperative for IT departments. Indeed, installing this software suite requires an initial investment. However, the DAP quickly becomes cost-effective by streamlining support for end-users.

Let’s recap its tangible contributions to IT teams: a drastic reduction in level 1 tickets, accelerated skill development among employees, and an increased focus on complex requests. These benefits significantly improve the productivity of service desks.

However, the issue extends beyond merely optimizing support costs. By facilitating the adoption of digital tools, the DAP ultimately enhances the business performance of organizations. Employees who are more comfortable with business applications are necessarily more effective in their daily tasks.

Thus, in the era of digital transformation, this technology stands out as an essential facilitator of adoption by end-users. Its ability to reconcile employees with information systems makes it the perfect ally for CIOs in search of agility.

Digital adoption - merge usage and learning with K-NOW!

At Knowmore, we rethink digital application adoption by merging learning and use within our next-generation software solutions.

Whatever your sector and your business challenges, we can help you optimize the adoption of your CRM, ERP and HRIS solutions by your employees. Take advantage of our expertise to accelerate their skills development in digital tools.

Rationalize your support costs by refocusing on your core business.

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