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SaaS: steps to successful onboarding

Implementing a new, useful SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solution that benefits the company is all well and good. Getting employees to actually use it is even better.


Implementing a useful new SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solution that benefits the company is all well and good. Getting employees to actually use it is even better. When deploying a new tool, support is no longer an option. Onboarding is now a standard expected by users. According to a study carried out by the Huffington Post, 67% of users of a new application abandon it if they are not accompanied in getting to grips with it. Here are the steps to follow for successful onboarding.

Onboarding SaaS: what is it? 

Definition and explanation of SaaS onboarding

SaaS onboarding refers to the process of integrating and familiarizing users with a software application, whether it's a CRM, ERP, Purchasing IS or HRIS. It's a crucial step in making software easier to learn, ensuring a smooth user experience from the outset, and ensuring long-term use. In this way, onboarding is part of a dynamic process of change management. 

4 reasons why onboarding is essential

Reduced learning curve 

At the heart of SaaS onboarding's effectiveness lies its ability to significantly shorten the learning curve for users. Rather than leaving them to fend for themselves with new interfaces, onboarding organizes a series of carefully planned integration stages. These allow users to gradually familiarize themselves with the software's various functions, parameters and workflows. By reducing the time needed to become proficient and then expert, onboarding promotes rapid, smooth adoption. It thus optimizes the transition to an evolving digital environment.

Optimizing employee productivity 

Onboarding also has a substantial impact on employee productivity. By accelerating mastery of key functionalities, users are able to become operational more quickly and achieve a higher level of expertise. For the benefits to be felt, every employee needs to feel at ease with the tool.

Maximizing software value and commitment

SaaS onboarding adapts to the user, directing them towards the functionalities essential to their business, to exploit the software's full potential. This deep level of commitment, also known as "stickiness", creates a strong bond between the user and the software, contributing to its overall value. For example, in areas such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, where complex interactions with data and customers are essential, SaaS onboarding ensures that users navigate a demanding environment with confidence.

Better knowledge of users

One of the riches of SaaS onboarding lies in the amount of data generated during the process. This data enables companies to gain in-depth insights into user habits, preferences and difficulties. This information can then be used to provide personalized support, respond to employees' specific needs and offer them targeted recommendations to improve their experience.

Steps to follow for successful SaaS onboarding

Accompanying the user to the "wow effect

One of the first key steps in SaaS onboarding is to guide the user towards what we call the "wow effect", i.e. getting them to perform an action that will enable them to concretely perceive the value provided by the solution. This means presenting the core of the product and its key functionalities in an effective, high-impact way, right from the start. On Twitter, for example, this means following 30 people. On Dropbox, it means uploading your first document to the cloud. These initial successes help build a foundation of trust and create a sense of accomplishment from the very first use. 

A medium-term perspective for expert functionalities

To be effective, SaaS onboarding needs to be designed over a long period of time, to enable users to gradually master advanced functionalities. Through defined objectives, often communicated by e-mail, users are guided towards more complex and specialized functionalities. This approach avoids overwhelming users with information too quickly, by offering a clear path to expertise. 

Calling in a DAP

The Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) is a valuable resource for facilitating SaaS onboarding. By explaining functionality, providing context-sensitive tips and offering interactive tutorials, a DAP enhances learning by helping users to exploit the software's full potential. Market leaders include WalkMe and Whatfix. In France, Knowmore Editor introduced the concept of Digital Adoption as early as 2001. In 2002, it piloted K-NOW, the first Digital Adoption Platform, and has been supporting major corporations in their digital transformation projects ever since.

Provide support: human or chatbot

Providing a human point of contact or chatbot is crucial to maintaining ongoing support. This enables users to ask questions, solve specific problems and provide feedback in real time, but also to gather feedback from employees.


SaaS onboarding is much more than a simple introduction to a new tool. It's a strategic process designed to ensure optimal digital adoption, maximize product value and enhance user engagement. By following the key steps outlined in this article, companies can ensure an effective take-up of their SaaS solutions, improving employee productivity and reinforcing the overall value of their technology investment.

Faced with the growing challenges of onboarding new employees to business applications, it's essential for companies to rely on the right partners. As an expert in the digital adoption of business and collaborative applications, Knowmore assists IT and HR departments with change management. Thanks to its innovative platforms combining learning and daily training, Knowmore ensures that usersassimilation digital solutions over the long term. This helps to streamline workflows, unite dispersed teams and, ultimately, boost employee productivity and well-being.

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