Did you know that in 2022, almost 35% of working people were thinking of changing jobs within 2 years*? The health crisis linked to Covid-19 is no stranger to this, and has led workers to rethink their situation, as well as their expectations for the future. Against this backdrop, as human resources managers have to constantly adapt to changes in the company and its environment, forward-looking management of jobs and skills (GPEC) has become a major challenge for organizations. Anticipating the company's future evolution, identifying skills requirements, and implementing the necessary actions to meet them... Today, software specialized in GPEC offers innovative solutions to meet these challenges. Here's how.
The main challenge of forward-looking management of jobs and skills lies in its ability to support your company in a changing environment. Technological advances, economic and social changes, as well as changing employee expectations, require constant adaptation of skills within organizations. GPEC enables you to anticipate these changes and implement actions to develop the skills needed to ensure your company's long-term viability. However, manual management of GPEC data can be complex and time-consuming. Who wants to spend hours filling in tables? That's where HRIS software comes in. These software tools centralize and analyze data relating to jobs, skills and employee career paths. They offer a global and precise vision of the company's current situation, as well as projections for the future. If you don't measure each employee's performance, how can you improve their results and retain your best talent?
To set up a GPEC program, you need to carry out an audit of your current situation, so as to be able to diagnose your needs, both in terms of positions to be filled and career management. The professional interview forms the basis of GPEC. This exchange between the employee and the company aims to discuss the skills required for the current position, as well as the employee's plans for training and career development. The employee's wishes gathered during these interviews can then be centralized in a Human Resources Information System (HRIS). These interviews will enable you to map and monitor skills within your company, identify those that are lacking, and guide your strategic decisions accordingly.
Theaverage recruitment time for an executive has risen from 9 to 11 weeks between 2020 and 2021, and even up to 12 weeks in the high value-added services sector (IT, engineering, Consulting, etc.) - APEC
In the context of GPEC, it is essential for human resources managers to be well-trained in talent management tools, so as to ensure optimum support for their employees in managing their skills. Application simulators for interactive training courses are available to support them in their learning process.
The K-STUDIO authoring tool provides a 100% realistic replica of a business application. Human resources managers then have complete modules at their disposal: step-by-step discovery, practical exercises with data entry, etc., enabling them to optimize the use of their GPEC HRIS module. !
*Barometer of training and employment 2022 (Centre Inffo / CSA)