The IoT platform is capable of handling all the components in the IoT chain, from the sensor to the processing of data in CARL Source. It provides technical departments with the predictive data they need to optimise maintenance operations.
Would you like to help hundreds or thousands of users, whether trained or not, to get to grips with and use their business applications effectively in real-life situations, while at the same time reducing support calls, boosting productivity and increasing user satisfaction?
lower average support costs for our customers
reduction in the number of face-to-face training sessions
time spent creating and updating content
Knowmore is revolutionising the software user experience by simplifying every interaction. Thanks to K-Now GPS for Applications, an intuitive, guided approach, it optimises processes, promoting digital adoption and user satisfaction.
Knowmore simplifies the completion of complex tasks in business software and applications by providing step-by-step instructions for smooth and efficient use, whatever the user’s level of experience.
Knowmore offers 24/7 support, ensuring reliable, ongoing assistance for customers’ needs in an ever-changing digital environment.
With interactive presentations available at all times and simplified personalised content creation, you can boost the effectiveness of your teams while monitoring their progress with intuitive analyses. With Knowmore, you have a reliable partner to bring your teams up to speed with ease.
your team members with interactive presentations available 24/7.
customised content in just a few clicks to guide users through any of your software's processes.
how your users interact with your content thanks to an easy-to-use dashboard and analyses.
Control S: Combined with its CARL Source solution, Control S is dedicated to the automatic integration of regulatory inspections directly from the platforms of APAVE, BUREAU VERITAS, DEKRA and SOCOTEC. With CARL Control-S, technical departments can guarantee the safety of equipment and people on a daily basis, by controlling the regulatory maintenance activities for which they are responsible.
CARL Maps lets you view, use and interact with plans, maps and digital models directly and natively from CARL Source.
The IoT platform is capable of handling all the components in the IoT chain, from the sensor to the processing of data in CARL Source. It provides technical departments with the predictive data they need to optimise maintenance operations.
Each version is audited, firstly according to internal procedures (Seeker control software, OWASP analysis/reference framework), then by independent experts, who check compliance with SSI (Information Systems Security) practices in line with ISO 27001.
Finally, our development practices comply with the requirements of European regulations (RGPD).
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