Why should companies focus on UX for successful digital adoption?

How can we encourage employees to fully adopt the new digital practices?

One of the keys, and not the least important, lies in the user experience. By putting people at the heart of solution design, UX creates a tailor-made digital environment that is intuitive and engaging. This is the key to getting employees on board the digital shift with peace of mind, without rejection or friction.

What is user experience (UX)?

User experience, or UX (User eXperience), refers to all the perceptions and feelings an individual has when interacting with a product or service, whether digital or physical.

In practical terms, UX covers all the aspects that influence the user experience: ergonomics, ease of use, aesthetics, the emotions aroused, accessibility, satisfying needs, etc. The aim of UX is to make interactions as fluid, intuitive and enjoyable as possible.

UX is distinct from UI (User Interface), although the two are linked. The UI corresponds to the user interface, i.e. the graphic and design elements with which the user interacts (buttons, menus, colours, fonts, etc.). The UI therefore only concerns the visual surface.

UX is a much broader concept, encompassing the whole chain of interactions, from deep motivations to the emotions aroused. The aim is not just for the interface to be pretty or ergonomic, but for the overall experience to meet expectations and bring satisfaction.

So, to guarantee optimum UX, we need to adopt a human-centred approach. A detailed understanding of the target users, their needs and their frictions is essential. It’s by starting with the user that we shape an engaging user experience.

What are the UX issues in digital adoption?

The advantages of improving internal UX to boost digital adoption are :

Improving employee onboarding

Onboarding refers to the integration of new employees into the company. This is a crucial stage in ensuring that they embrace digital tools and processes.

But onboarding is often a laborious process. New arrivals find themselves overwhelmed by the multitude of applications and procedures they have to master. This complex information overload generates stress and rejection.

UX aims to make this digital integration as smooth as possible, thanks to intuitive design. UX-centric onboarding paths gradually guide users through the tools according to their specific needs. The emphasis is on simplicity and support.

Stimulating the adoption of business applications

In addition to onboarding, UX plays a major role in encouraging the use of business applications on a day-to-day basis.

Employees are often reluctant to adopt new digital tools when they seem to make their day-to-day work more complex. Poor ergonomics and a lack of perceived value hamper commitment.

UX puts the user at the centre of the design process, so that business applications are genuinely useful and usable. A detailed understanding of the friction experienced by employees enables it to be resolved through the user experience.

By making interactions more fluid and the added value tangible, UX stimulates the voluntary adoption of digital business tools.

Breaking down silos between departments

Differences in tools and methods between departments often create silos that are detrimental to internal digital collaboration.

Thanks to its cross-functional vision, the UX team can design unified user paths between departments. In this way, teams share common repositories that make exchanges more fluid.

Meeting employees’ ergonomic needs

The poor usability of digital solutions remains a major barrier to their adoption in-house. Confusing interfaces, cognitive overload, complex actions… Ergonomic friction irritates employees.

UX places ergonomics at the heart of its approach. Simplify and streamline interactions to eliminate all superfluous friction.

This ergonomic design of solutions, in line with user expectations, secures and accelerates their adoption. It transforms technology into a facilitator for everyday working life.

How can UX drive digital adoption within your company?

There are several ways of boosting digital adoption through UX:

  • Carry out in-depth UX research: user research is an essential prerequisite for designing an engaging digital experience. It involves an in-depth study of employees’ expectations and discrepancies through interviews and field observations. This immersion and empathy phase lays the foundations for an impactful UX.
  • Proceed in rapid iterations: agile development in small iterations enables rapid testing of prototypes with users. Feedback enriches the solution at each cycle, with a view to continuous improvement. This pragmatic approach, known as the “agile method”, accelerates convergence towards an optimum UX.
  • Include user feedback on an ongoing basis: even after the launch, it is essential to gather feedback from users on an ongoing basis and enrich the UX accordingly. Spontaneous feedback and satisfaction surveys provide invaluable insights for fine-tuning the experience over time.
  • Train employees in design thinking: making employees aware of the human-centred design approach involves them in the production of innovative UX ideas. In this way, they become involved in optimising their own digital experience.
  • Monitoring UX performance over time: UX indicators such as the rate of adoption of tools and user satisfaction make it possible to track improvements in the experience over time. This monitoring leads to targeted action plans to continuously boost digital engagement.

Ultimately, UX paves the way for a successful digital transformation, driven by employees who are fully on board thanks to solutions that are perfectly aligned with their expectations. In this way, the human factor comes out of the digital revolution stronger than ever.

Knowmore helps companies design an engaging digital experience for their employees. Simplify and facilitate the adoption of your internal digital tools by focusing on UX with Knowmore. Your digital success is at stake here.

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